Personal Computer World 2005 October
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%%BeginResource: file Pscript_CFF 5.0 0
/F0Subr{systemdict/internaldict known{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get
exec/FlxProc known{save T}{F}?}{U/internaldict known not{U/internaldict{count 0
eq{/internaldict errordict/invalidaccess get exec}if @ type/integertype ne{
/internaldict errordict/invalidaccess get exec}if @ 1183615869 eq{! 0}{
/internaldict errordict/invalidaccess get exec}?}@ 14 get 1 25 dict put bind
executeonly put}if 1183615869 U/internaldict get exec/FlxProc known{save T}{F}
?}?[systemdict/internaldict known not{100 dict/` cvx/mtx matrix/d cvx}if
systemdict/currentpacking known{currentpacking T setpacking}if{systemdict
/internaldict known{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get exec @/$FlxDict
known not{@ @ length ~ maxlength eq{! U @/$FlxDict known not{100 dict `/mtx
matrix d @/$FlxDict & put E}if}{100 dict `/mtx matrix d @/$FlxDict & put E}?}if
/$FlxDict get `}if ;/exdef{~ d}d/dmin ~ abs 100 V d/epX exdef/epY exdef/c4y2
exdef/c4x2 exdef/c4y1 exdef/c4x1 exdef/c4y0 exdef/c4x0 exdef/c3y2 exdef/c3x2
exdef/c3y1 exdef/c3x1 exdef/c3y0 exdef/c3x0 exdef/c1y2 exdef/c1x2 exdef/c2x2
c4x2 d/c2y2 c4y2 d/yflag c1y2 c3y2 sub abs c1x2 c3x2 sub abs gt d/PickCoords{
{c1x0 c1y0 c1x1 c1y1 c1x2 c1y2 c2x0 c2y0 c2x1 c2y1 c2x2 c2y2}{c3x0 c3y0 c3x1
c3y1 c3x2 c3y2 c4x0 c4y0 c4x1 c4y1 c4x2 c4y2}?/y5 exdef/x5 exdef/y4 exdef/x4
exdef/y3 exdef/x3 exdef/y2 exdef/x2 exdef/y1 exdef/x1 exdef/y0 exdef/x0 exdef}d
mtx currentmatrix ! mtx 0 get abs .00001 lt mtx 3 get abs .00001 lt or{/flipXY
-1 d}{mtx 1 get abs .00001 lt mtx 2 get abs .00001 lt or{/flipXY 1 d}{/flipXY 0
d}?}?/erosion 1 d systemdict/internaldict known{1183615869 systemdict
/internaldict get exec @/erosion known{/erosion get/erosion ~ d}{!}?}if yflag
{flipXY 0 eq c3y2 c4y2 eq or{F PickCoords}{/shrink c3y2 c4y2 eq{0}{c1y2 c4y2
sub c3y2 c4y2 sub V abs}? d/yshrink{c4y2 sub shrink mul c4y2 add}d/c1y0 c3y0
yshrink d/c1y1 c3y1 yshrink d/c2y0 c4y0 yshrink d/c2y1 c4y1 yshrink d/c1x0 c3x0
d/c1x1 c3x1 d/c2x0 c4x0 d/c2x1 c4x1 d/dY 0 c3y2 c1y2 sub round dtransform
flipXY 1 eq{~}if ! abs d dY dmin lt PickCoords y2 c1y2 sub abs 0.001 gt{c1x2
c1y2 transform flipXY 1 eq{~}if/cx ~ d/cy ~ d/dY 0 y2 c1y2 sub round dtransform
flipXY 1 eq{~}if ! d dY round @ 0 ne{/dY exdef}{! dY 0 lt{-1}{1}?/dY exdef}?
/erode PaintType 2 ne erosion 0.5 ge and d erode{/cy cy 0.5 sub d}if/ey cy dY
add d/ey ey ceiling ey sub ey floor add d erode{/ey ey 0.5 add d}if ey cx
flipXY 1 eq{~}if itransform ~ ! y2 sub/eShift ~ d/y1 y1 eShift add d/y2 y2
eShift add d/y3 y3 eShift add d}if}?}{flipXY 0 eq c3x2 c4x2 eq or{F PickCoords}
{/shrink c3x2 c4x2 eq{0}{c1x2 c4x2 sub c3x2 c4x2 sub V abs}? d/xshrink{c4x2 sub
shrink mul c4x2 add}d/c1x0 c3x0 xshrink d/c1x1 c3x1 xshrink d/c2x0 c4x0 xshrink
d/c2x1 c4x1 xshrink d/c1y0 c3y0 d/c1y1 c3y1 d/c2y0 c4y0 d/c2y1 c4y1 d/dX c3x2
c1x2 sub round 0 dtransform flipXY -1 eq{~}if ! abs d dX dmin lt PickCoords x2
c1x2 sub abs 0.001 gt{c1x2 c1y2 transform flipXY -1 eq{~}if/cy ~ d/cx ~ d/dX x2
c1x2 sub round 0 dtransform flipXY -1 eq{~}if ! d dX round @ 0 ne{/dX exdef}{!
dX 0 lt{-1}{1}?/dX exdef}?/erode PaintType 2 ne erosion .5 ge and d erode{/cx
cx .5 sub d}if/ex cx dX add d/ex ex ceiling ex sub ex floor add d erode{/ex ex
.5 add d}if ex cy flipXY -1 eq{~}if itransform ! x2 sub/eShift ~ d/x1 x1 eShift
add d/x2 x2 eShift add d/x3 x3 eShift add d}if}?}? x2 x5 eq y2 y5 eq or{x5 y5
I}{x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 -c x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 -c}? epY epX}systemdict
/currentpacking known{~ setpacking}if/exec cvx/E cvx]cvx executeonly ~{! T ~
restore}{systemdict/internaldict known not{1183615869 U/internaldict get exec ~
/FlxProc ~ put T}{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get exec @ length ~
maxlength eq{F}{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get exec ~/FlxProc ~ put T}
?}?}?{systemdict/internaldict known{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get exec
/FlxProc get exec}{1183615869 U/internaldict get exec/FlxProc get exec}?}if}
executeonly d/F1Subr{: currentpoint N M}bind d/F2Subr{currentpoint ; :
currentpoint N M}bind d/HSSubr{systemdict/internaldict known not{! 3}
{1183615869 systemdict/internaldict get exec @/startlock known{/startlock get
exec}{@/strtlck known{/strtlck get exec}{! 3}?}?}?}bind d